It all started on a baseball field….
Our father and coach had a vision to impact the game of baseball by allowing growth within relationships. Transformational growth that would impact the individual and prosper the relationship between the father and son, coach and player.
The story begins 20+ years ago in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Coach Robe started on producing a philosophy aimed at teaching and coaching how to make adjustments.
Inevitably, the plate became the symbol that Robe stood for and what he preached to his players. His pitching philosophy revolved around being consistent and responsible. Much like the colors on the plate, he wanted his players to be consistent and responsible on and off the field.
Teaching men how to pitch was his craft and he mastered it. When one chapter ends a new one begins. The last chapter in our father/coach’s earthly journey ended on July, 3rd 2019, but his Legacy will forever be remembered.
Gunner Leger, Austin Robichaux and Justin Robichaux are taking the torch and continuing his teachings and building relationships that make this game go beyond the seams.